AFFLATUS SOLACE is a SFW-only, RP Lounge with a relaxed atmosphere ideal for beginner to advanced RP players.We are located on Crystal's Brynhildr in Mist Ward 25, Plot 4Our venue is in close proximity to a summoning bell and marketboard, and has a GORGEOUS full view the beach/ocean.Our hours are 10pm-midnight Eastern time on select dates only. Please see the OPEN SCHEDULE below.(The venue functions as the FC house for Eorzea's Affliction during the majority of the month. For information about the FC, please visit eorzeasaffliction.carrd.co)OPEN SCHEDULE (2023):TBD UNDER CONSTRUCTIONDates may be added/altered, please check back before your visit to confirm our open status.CONNECT ON DISCORD(Please note our Afflatus Solace and RP channels are a subset of the Eorzea's Affliction FC discord)

Menu items are available from the bar upstairs. Food may be freely consumed around the venue, EXCEPT in the sauna.DRINKS
Espresso Con Panna - 600 gil
Hot Chocolate - 200 gil
Masala Chai - 1500 gil
Happiness Juice - 40 gil
Matcha - 20 gilBITES
Honey Croissant - 350 gil
La Noscean Toast - 150 gil
Scrambled Eggs - 250 gil
Farmers Breakfast - 400 gil
Lemon Waffle - 350 gilDESSERTS
Coffee Biscuit - 50 gil
Lemon Muffin - 1000 gil
Bubble Chocolate - 20 gil
Pastry Fish - 60 gil
Rolanberry Cheesecake - 15 gilMenu offerings subject to change and availability. Please pay at the bar.SERVICESORACLE & MEDIUMSHIP
Card Readings (1 card draw) - 10,000gCard Readings (3 card draw) - 25,000gADD A RUNE DRAW TO ANY READING - 5,000g
Runes add dimension to a tradtional card reading by providing insight into overarching themes
Mediumship Readings - 3000gOur Tarot readings are done with OOC cards IRL; readings are given IC.
Genuine readingsMediumship Readings are done IC
Fictional readingsSELF-SERVE SAUNA/SPA - 1000gFor sauna/spa access please see the bar staff

Tarot & Mediumship
Emi DelmaraHOST
Greetings and Well-Wishes!
Service with a Smile
Florentel Teaurelin
Austin Aodh